II0IAR su 425 DX News
425 DX News ha pubblicato la notizia del nominativo speciale dedicato a Roma Radio.
425 DX News è il bollettino gratuito curato da Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ e Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH, che ringraziamo.
I - Members of the Italian Naval Old Rhythmers Club will be active as II0IAR from 24 October to 2 November. They will operate CW only on the HF bands. See https://www.qrz.com/db/II0IAR for more informa- tion. The special callsign memorializes Roma Radio (IAR), the main Italian coastal radio station whose Morse transmissions closed down on 31 October 2005 after 51 years of uninterrupted service. [TNX IN3MDR]